Early Adulthood
Picture this: you arrive home from work, your wife is exhausted, and the baby has just transformed the carpet into a spaghetti-stained canvas. To top it off, your older child managed to get suspended for a creative haircut attempt on a friend. Post-dinner, your mental bandwidth is stretched thin. Making critical financial decisions seems like an insurmountable task in the midst of chaos.
Navigating the challenges of raising the next generation while working to provide for them is no small feat. How do you ensure you're on the right financial path when every moment is consumed by family responsibilities?
Currently, you find yourself at one of life's most demanding junctures. Your peak earning years are looming, and the expenses of diapers, a home, and the classic white picket fence are already significant. The annual cost of having a baby can tally up to $9,000. Balancing family life demands meticulous budgeting and adept risk management – juggling savings, mortgage payments, insurance, retirement investments, all while hoping there's enough left for enjoyable family outings.
In this phase, it might be tempting to bypass insurance and defer investing for the future. After all, retirement feels like a distant concept reserved for the elderly. Yet, insurance is more affordable when you're younger, and initiating investments early allows compounding returns to work their magic.
Remember, time is a valuable asset, and the golden years of retirement are only attainable by investing wisely in the time you have today.
Your major financial obligations may include
- Mortgage payments
- Home renovations
- Income taxes
- Raising children (including daycare)
- Automobile(s)
Your financial priorities may include
- Budgeting for maximum savings
- Getting maximum growth from your investments
- Life insurance
- Contributing the maximum to your RRSP every year
- Establishing a line of credit for lower borrowing costs
- Saving for your children’s education
- Estate planning, starting with your will
Financial Plan
Financial Plan
Many people will offer you advice on which investments to buy. But there's more to your financial life than your RRSP. Estate taxes, income taxes and education funds for your children are just some of the other...
Educational Plan
Educational Plan
RESPs are registered education savings plans that grow tax-free until the child is ready for university, college or a vocational institute. The student usually pays little or no tax on those funds when they are withdrawn at...
Using an Independent Mortgage Broker can SAVE you thousands of dollars in interest payments. And that's MONEY you can use for other things. Whether you are a first time home buyer, looking to buy a second home or...
A will is a written document, properly signed, which: (1) specifies who is to administer the estate (the executor), (2) specifies what is to happen with the assets and liabilities of the estate, (3) specifies certain other wishes such as...
Life Insurance
Life Insurance
Term life insurance is the most basic of life insurance products in that it has no savings component, and thus no cash value. By the name, it is purchased for a 'term.' One of the most common uses of Term Life insurance is as...
Critical Illness
Critical Illness
A critical illness can happen to anyone. And it does happen to many. Canadians are more likely to experience a critical illness than they are to die before the age of 75. For most people, the diagnosis is just the...